If you are looking for a professional, personable, passionate and skilled Auction Service to conduct your sale, Mike Heitmann and MH Bar Auction should be your first choice.
Founded more than 20 years ago, at Cut Bank, Montana, MH Bar Auction Company, has grown from a contract auction service to a full service auction company. Since relocating to Colorado in 2001, MH Bar Auction has continued to lead in the Auction Industry and feels that the Auction Method of Marketing is the most successful when you are trying to sell your items in today’s competitive market. Mike has taken the Auction Profession very seriously all his life. Along with years of experience in conducting on-site sales in the Ag and Oilfield Sector, MH Bar Auction now has a first class location and facility east of Colorado Springs to host Estate and Consignment Sales. Mike also works as a contract auctioneer for many of the major auction companies in the Colorado Springs and Denver area. Mike also offers his services as a Benefit and Charity Auctioneer nationwide. He is currently serving his second term as a Board Member of the Colorado Auctioneer’s Assn. He also is the 2007 Colorado Auctioneers Assn. Champion Auctioneer & Bidcaller and the 2007 Montana Auctioneers Assn. State Champion Auctioneer & Bidcaller. Mike has the expertise and knowledge to help you realize the full earning potential for you sales. He has a long list of references and possesses a broad base of product knowledge from years in the Auction and Sales Business.
Mike has access to professional associates in the auction industry to assist him in the handling of your sale, no matter what the content or size.
Specializing In: Antiques & Collectibles, Benefits & Charity, Business Liquidations, Collector Cars & Vintage Equipment, Estate & Personal Property, Farm & Ranch, General Auctions, Heavy Equipment, Industrial & Manufacturing, Logging & Forestry, Miscellaneous, Office & Business Equipment, Restaurant & Food Industry, Transportation, Trucks & Trailers.
So when you are looking for an auction company that is known for their professionalism, experience and product knowledge, Mike Heitmann and MH Bar Auction should be your first call.